Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The anointing of King David

 The Anointing of King David


Today we will reflect on the first reading from 1 Samuel 16:1 onwards, which tells the story of the anointing of King David. This passage is intriguing because it reveals that the current ruler, King Saul, is unaware of the new anointed king. Likewise, the new anointed king, David, does not know why he has been chosen. In this blog, we will dive into this chapter and explore the message that God wants to convey through this passage.

The Background Story

 The story begins with King Saul already ruling over Israel. God, however, is preparing to anoint a new king without Saul's knowledge. David, a shepherd boy, is chosen by the prophet Samuel to be anointed as the next king. While David is unaware of the reason behind his anointing, Samuel knows that he is fulfilling God's command. This chapter is filled with interesting events that shed light on the people's desire for a physical king and the consequences of their decision.

The People's Desire for a King

In the early days after God delivered the Israelites from Egypt, He declared Himself as their king. However, the people desired a physical king who would stand before them. They complained to the prophet, asking for a king. God felt rejected by their request, as He had taken care of them and brought them out of Egypt. Despite God's warning of the consequences of having a human king, the people insisted on having one immediately. God warned them through prophet Samuel of the burdens that would come with having a king - the conscription of sons into the king's service, appointment of commanders and officials, and the confiscation of land and resources. However, the people did not heed these warnings and still desired a king. Eventually, God gave in to their request and chose Saul to be their king.

 The Regret of God

Although Saul started as a humble and prayerful shepherd boy, he changed after becoming king. He rejected God, offering sacrifices without waiting for the priest. He made many mistakes that led to God's regret in choosing him as king. This highlights the human tendency to reject God when life is comfortable and secure. Saul's story serves as a warning for us to remain faithful to God even in times of abundance and success.

The Anointing of David

 In verse 2 of 1 Samuel 16, God commands Samuel to go to Bethlehem and anoint one of Jesse's sons as the new king. Samuel is instructed to invite Jesse and his sons to a sacrifice, without divulging the purpose of his visit. Samuel obeys God's command, and when he arrives, the elders of Bethlehem greet him with trepidation, fearing the purpose of his visit.

Samuel reassures them that he comes in peace and invites Jesse and his sons to the sacrifice. The significance of this invitation is evident, as Samuel is a revered prophet and his visit to Bethlehem causes a stir. Jesse presents his sons to Samuel one by one, but God does not choose any of them. Samuel asks if there are any more sons, and Jesse reluctantly mentions his youngest son, David, who is tending to the sheep. Samuel insists on David's presence and waits until he arrives. When David finally stands before Samuel, God reveals to the prophet that David is the chosen one. Samuel anoints David with oil, and from that moment, the Spirit of the Lord comes mightily upon him.

 Lessons from David's Anointing

 David's anointing teaches us several important lessons. Firstly, it reminds us that God does not judge based on outward appearances but looks at the heart. While David's brothers may have seemed like suitable candidates due to their physical attributes, God saw David's heart and chose him to be king. Secondly, David's anointing teaches us that God's plans may not align with our own desires. David was not even considered initially, but God had chosen him. This reminds us to trust in God's plan, even when we feel overlooked or disregarded by others. Lastly, David's anointing shows us that God's anointing comes with both blessings and sufferings. David had to endure many trials and tribulations before finally becoming king. This serves as a reminder that the path to fulfilling God's calling may be challenging, but God will be with us every step of the way.


 The anointing of King David is a powerful story that teaches us about God's sovereignty and the importance of following His instructions. It reminds us that God looks beyond appearances and chooses those with a heart aligned with His. It also emphasizes the need for trust and perseverance when faced with challenges on the path to fulfilling God's purpose in our lives. As we reflect on this passage, let us remember that God's anointing is not limited to kings and leaders but extends to each one of us. We are all called to fulfill God's purpose in our lives, and although the journey may be difficult, we can trust that God will guide us and empower us with His Spirit.

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