Saturday, August 19, 2023

Why do Catholics pray in front of statues?

Praying in Front of Statues: A Biblical Perspective

Today, I would like to address a common misunderstanding regarding the practice of praying in front of statues. Many people believe that Christians or Catholics engage in idol worship by bowing down before these statues. In this reflection, we will explore why we have statues, why we pray in front of them, and whether this practice is biblical.

The Commandment

Exodus 20:4 states, "You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth." This commandment prohibits the creation of idols or statues representing heavenly beings, earthly beings, or creatures of the water.

However, we must understand the intention behind this commandment. It is not meant to forbid the creation of any statues or idols at all. Instead, it is meant to prohibit the substitution of God with a statue or idol and the worship of that statue as a deity.

Statues in the Bible

Despite the commandment, God Himself commanded the creation of statues. For example, God instructed the Israelites to make statues of cherubim upon the Ark of the Covenant and in the Jerusalem Temple.

Exodus 25:10 states, "They shall make an ark of acacia wood." And verse 18 says, "You shall make two cherubim of gold; you shall make them of hammered work." These cherubim statues were placed on the Ark of the Covenant, where God resided and spoke to His people.

Idolatry vs. Adoration

The distinction lies in idolatry, where a statue or idol is worshipped as a substitute for the true God, and adoration, where a statue or icon is used to focus the mind and heart on God and His heavenly beings.

In the case of praying in front of statues in the church, it is not the statues themselves that are worshipped, but rather, they serve as reminders and aids to direct our attention to God and the heavenly beings.

Idolatry in Modern Times

Idolatry can manifest in various forms, not just in front of statues. It can occur when we give excessive honor and glory to any creature or thing, such as money or other people, thereby replacing God as the ultimate source of worship.

It is essential to examine our conscience and ensure that we are not engaging in idolatry in any form. We must only give glory and honor to the one true God as revealed in the Bible.

Praying in front of statues is not idol worship if the intention is to direct our focus towards God and the heavenly beings. The Bible itself contains instances where God commanded the creation of statues. However, we must always be cautious not to substitute God with any creature or thing and give Him the worship and honor that He alone deserves.

Bowing down and honoring statues

Bowing down or honoring statues is not the same as worship. In the Bible, bowing down is not a sign of worship, but rather a sign of honoring and respecting someone. Even in front of kings and prophets, people used to prostrate themselves as a sign of honor and respect. Similarly, bowing down in front of statues or images is a way of showing respect and honor, not worship. Therefore, there is nothing wrong in bowing down in front of statues of Jesus, angels, saints, or Mother Mary.

Intercession of angels and saints

Angels and saints, including Mother Mary, are considered alive in the presence of God. Just as we ask for the help of living human beings, we can also ask for the intercession of angels and saints. The Bible tells us that the prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective. Since angels and saints are considered righteous, their prayers have great power. Therefore, it is acceptable and biblical to ask for their help and intercession.

Understanding the Image of God in the Old and New Testament

In the Old Testament, God did not reveal his form or show his image. In Deuteronomy 4:15, it is stated that since the people did not see any form when the Lord spoke to them, they were not supposed to make any images of God. However, in the New Testament, God showed his image in Jesus Christ, as mentioned in Colossians 1:15. Jesus is described as the image of the invisible God and the firstborn of all creation.

Furthermore, in Colossians 2:9, it is stated that the fullness of deity dwells bodily in Jesus Christ. This reaffirms the belief in Jesus as the image of God. In 2 Corinthians 4:6, it is mentioned that the glory of God is revealed in the face of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the image of God is found in Jesus Christ.

In the Old Testament, there is also an interesting reference to an image. In Numbers 21:8-9, the Lord commanded Moses to make a bronze serpent and put it on a pole. Those who were bitten by poisonous snakes were instructed to look at the serpent and they would be healed. Jesus later interpreted this as a foreshadowing of his own crucifixion, where he became sin for humanity and anyone who looked upon him would be saved.

Similarly, Mother Mary is seen as the new ark of the covenant, carrying Jesus in her womb. Just as the ark of the covenant carried the tablets and the priesthood, Mother Mary carried the new covenant and the true priesthood in the form of Jesus. Therefore, it is not wrong to carry statues or images of Mother Mary in processions, as it is a way to honor her role as the ark of the covenant.

Studying the Old and New Testament together helps us understand the true sense of the Bible and the significance of images in religious practices.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Your prayer will be more powerful if you do this!

 The incredible impact of prayer 

 Matthew, a humble priest who dedicated himself to daily prayer for world evangelization. Through his prayers, retreat centers were established around the world, attracting thousands and millions of people to the Lord. This fulfillment of God's promise reminds us of the power of prayer.

When we pray, it is important to pray with tears, as this shows our deep emotional involvement and sincerity. The Bible tells us that those who pray with tears will not be disappointed, and that God counts every tear we shed. Jesus himself offered prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears, setting an example for us to follow.

Praying with Tears

Praying with tears shows emotional involvement and sincerity

God counts every tear we shed

Jesus offered prayers and supplications with tears

Examples of individuals who prayed with tears: Hannah, Mary, the widow, and Mary Magdalene

Scripture References

Psalm 126:5-6 - "May those who sow in tears reap with shouts of joy."

Hebrews 5:7 - "In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears."

The Importance of Praying with Tears

God calls us to return to Him with all our heart, fasting, weeping, and mourning. This emotional involvement in prayer is not a peripheral relationship with God, but a deep connection that moves our whole being. The priests are specifically called to weep and pray for the people, asking God to spare them and not make them a mockery among the nations.

Prayer for the Church

In these modern times, it is crucial for all priests, nuns, deacons, seminarians, and believers to pray with tears for the Church. The Church is facing mockery and insults, and people are questioning the presence of God. By praying with tears, we can seek God's intervention and witness His glory in the Church.

Believing in God's Presence

When we come to pray, we must believe that God is present with us. Just as there is air, water, and oxygen wherever we go, the presence of God surrounds us. Making the sign of the cross invites the Holy Trinity into our presence, and we can trust that God is with us as we pray.

Come to pray and believe in the presence of the Lord surrounding you. It is important to believe that He exists and is with you. When you sit in front of the blessed sacrament, remember that you are in the presence of Almighty God. You don't need to be upset or worried because in these moments, the Lord is in control, not you.

Hebrews 11:6

Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Whoever approaches Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.

Anyone who seeks God will be rewarded. Those who go to church regularly and pray sincerely will never be disappointed. Even when others insult, reject, or make fun of you for believing in God, don't listen to them. The Bible is true, and everything it says is taking place. The Lord promises to reward those who seek Him.

Mark 11:24-26

Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Many people have testified to receiving their healings and other blessings because they believed it as if it had already happened. Trust in God's promises and rejoice in His presence.

Matthew 26:41

Stay awake and pray so that you may not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Don't compromise your personal prayer life. Never stop your connection with God, especially if you know you are weak. Otherwise, you will lose your anointing and fall into trials and temptations.

James 5:13

If you are suffering, pray. If you are cheerful, sing songs of praise. If you are sick, call for the elders of the church to pray over you and anoint you with oil in the name of the Lord. Seek intercession from others and pray for yourself and others who are in need.

Anointing of the Sick: A Healing Sacrament

The anointing of the sick, also known as the last sacrament, is often misunderstood. Many people fear receiving this sacrament because they think it means they will die soon. However, the anointing of the sick is a healing sacrament, not a sacrament of death. It is the last sacrament out of the seven, but it does not signify the end of one's life. Instead, it prepares us for our journey to heaven and signifies permanent healing.

When we receive the anointing of the sick, we are anointed with oil in the name of the Lord (verse 15). The prayer of faith has the power to save the sick and raise them up. It also brings forgiveness for sins (verse 16). Therefore, it is important for those who are sick and afflicted to go for confession and seek forgiveness, as the prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.

Confession makes us righteous, and when we pray after a sincere confession, our prayers are heard and become effective. Jeremiah 29:11 assures us that God has plans for our welfare and not for harm. When we call upon Him and pray, He will hear us. It is crucial to have faith and believe that God is in charge of our lives. When we search for Him with all our heart, we will find Him.

Miracles will happen when you do this

The power of prayer and the prayer life of Jesus.

In Matthew 14:22, we see that after the multiplication of the five loaves of bread for five thousand people, Jesus forced the disciples to get into the boat and go to the other side of the lake, dismissing the crowd. Jesus made sure that every block was removed and that he could spend time in the presence of his Father. He went up to the mountain to pray the whole night. Even though the disciples were attacked by waves and storms while Jesus was praying, they were protected because of his prayer.

When Jesus came to help them, walking on water, the disciples initially thought he was a ghost. This shows that even in times of crisis, we tend to doubt the presence of God and believe in the presence of evil. But Jesus reassured them, saying, "Take heart, it is I, do not be afraid." This applies to us as well. In times of struggles and suffering, we should not doubt or get disappointed, but trust in the Lord.

Let us read Matthew 14:28 onwards, where Peter asks Jesus to command him to come to Him on the water. Peter's desire to be with Jesus enabled him to walk on water. Similarly, when we pray, our desire should be to be with Jesus and fall in love with Him. The rest will follow, including miracles, wonders, and deliverance. We need to leave behind everything in order to be with Jesus, just as Peter risked his life to be with Him. It is worth risking our lives for Jesus, and when we ask Him to command us, amazing things can happen.

Walking on Water: A Lesson in Faith

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to walk on water? In the Gospel of Matthew, we read about Peter's incredible feat of walking on water towards Jesus. This story teaches us an important lesson about faith and stepping out of our comfort zones.

Peter's Leap of Faith

In the midst of a stormy sea, Peter expressed his desire to be with Jesus by asking Him to command him to come to Him on the water. Jesus granted Peter's request and said, "Come." Without hesitation, Peter left the safety of the boat and began walking on the water towards Jesus.

This act of courage and trust is an example for us all. Peter could have chosen to stay in the boat, where it was safe and familiar. But he recognized that being with Jesus was more important than any comfort or security the boat could offer.

Leaving Our Comfort Zones

Like Peter, we often find ourselves clinging to our own "boats" - our bad habits, wrong relationships, unforgiveness, and other negative tendencies. We may pray, attend religious services, and seek miracles and wonders, but unless we are willing to leave these comfort zones behind, we cannot truly experience the power and presence of God.

It's not easy to leave our comfort zones. We fear the unknown, the risks, and the potential loss of security. But as Peter's example shows us, when we prioritize our relationship with Jesus above all else, miracles and wonders follow.

Focusing on Jesus

While walking towards Jesus, Peter's focus was solely on Him. He was able to walk on water as long as he kept his eyes fixed on Jesus. But when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened and started sinking.

This teaches us the importance of keeping our focus on Jesus in our prayers and in life. When we allow ourselves to be consumed by fear, worry, and distractions, we lose sight of His presence and power. Instead, we are called to trust in Him, knowing that He is greater than any storm or struggle we may face.

A Lesson for Us All

The story of Peter walking on water serves as a reminder that true faith requires us to step out of our comfort zones and trust in God's power. It encourages us to prioritize our relationship with Jesus above all else and keep our focus on Him, even in the midst of life's storms.

Discovering Meaning Amidst the Mess

 If there is a mess here, there is a message there.

Praise the Lord.

If there is a mess here, there is a message there. The moment I see something disturbing me, I have to look up to the Lord. Tell me, where did I go wrong? What shall I do? What's next? Is it pride? Is it selfishness? Is it self-centeredness? I know somewhere I've gone wrong. It helps me a lot, my dear brothers and sisters. I never doubt Him and never feel that He will abandon me. He will never do that because He promised me,

"I will never leave you orphan" (John 14:18).

That message is for me, it's for you. He will never do it. He will never leave you orphaned.

So, I know He will not leave me even if I commit terrible sins. He will not leave me. But if there is a time where I feel I'm left out or left alone, that means something. He wants to speak to me, somewhere He wants to correct me.

What Causes the Challenge of Prayer for Many Individuals?"

 Reasons Why We Struggle to Pray

Many people desire to pray but find themselves unable to do so. There are various reasons that contribute to this struggle:

Lack of knowledge about the power and importance of prayer

Impatience and disappointment when prayers are not immediately answered

Feeling that prayer is useless due to past experiences

Misusing prayer as a form of bribery

Asking for things with wrong intentions

The Power of Prayer

Many people do not pray because they do not understand the power and significance of prayer. They are unaware of what happens during prayer. It is important to believe that something is happening when we pray, even if we cannot see it at the moment. Examples from the Bible, such as Saul, the Ethiopian eunuch, and Lydia, show that when people prayed, God was actively working in their lives.

Impatience and Disappointment

Impatience and disappointment arise when prayers are not answered according to our expectations. Sometimes, God has a better plan for us that we are unaware of. We may pray for something to happen immediately, but God has a better opportunity planned for us in the future. It is important not to lose hope or doubt God's presence when prayers seem unanswered. Disappointment should not lead us to sin or question God's power. Instead, we should continue to pray without giving up.

Misusing Prayer as Bribery

Some people only turn to prayer when they are in trouble or need something. They try to bribe God with their prayers, expecting immediate results. However, true prayer should come from a place of repentance and sincerity. Merely using prayer as a last resort or bargaining tool will not yield the desired outcome. It is essential to have a genuine change of heart and commit to a holy and repentant life.

Asking with Wrong Intentions

James 4:2-3 warns against asking for things with wrong intentions or for personal gain. Praying for our own pleasures or selfish desires is not in alignment with God's will. We should approach prayer with a humble and selfless heart, seeking God's guidance and surrendering ourselves to His plan.

Overall, it is crucial to understand the power of prayer, be patient and trust in God's timing, use prayer with pure intentions, and seek God's will above our own desires.

Study Hack: Overcoming Prayer Challenges


In this blog post, we will explore some common challenges that people face when it comes to prayer and how to overcome them. Prayer is a powerful tool, and by understanding and addressing these challenges, we can enhance our prayer life and experience its benefits.

Wrong Priorities

One common reason why people struggle to pray is because they have wrong priorities. They prioritize their own pleasures and desires over their prayer life. This means that even if they pray regularly, their prayers are ineffective because they are not willing to make sacrifices. It's important to examine our priorities and ensure that prayer is a top priority in our lives.

Lack of Time

Another challenge that people face is a perceived lack of time. Many individuals claim that they are too busy to pray. However, this simply means that prayer is not a priority for them. They prioritize other activities such as eating, sleeping, and socializing over prayer. It's essential to recognize the importance of prayer and make time for it in our daily routines.

The Example of Jesus

We can learn from the example of Jesus, who prioritized prayer above all else. In the Gospel of Matthew, we see that Jesus dismissed a crowd of 5000 people and sent his disciples away to pray. He understood the importance of spending time in communion with God. If Jesus, who had immense responsibilities, made prayer a priority, then we should do the same.

Dealing with Distractions

Distractions are another challenge that many people face during prayer. Wandering thoughts, daydreams, and even falling asleep can hinder our ability to focus and connect with God. It's important to address these distractions by directing our hearts and minds towards God. By focusing our hearts in the right place, we can eliminate unnecessary thoughts and maintain a meaningful prayer experience.

Scripture Guidance

In the book of Job, we find guidance on how to direct our hearts rightly. Job 11:13 tells us that if we focus our hearts in the right place, we will be able to stretch out our hands in prayer. This means that when we approach prayer with the right mindset and heart, we will have a deeper connection with God and a more fulfilling prayer experience.


Overcoming prayer challenges requires us to examine our priorities, make time for prayer, and address distractions. By following the example of Jesus and focusing our hearts rightly, we can enhance our prayer life and experience the transformative power of prayer. Let us make prayer a priority and reap the benefits in our spiritual journey.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

నీవు చేసిన ఉపకారములకు...... Neevu chesina upakaaramulaku.....

 నీవు చేసిన ఉపకారములకు

Neevu Chesina Upakaaramulaku

నేనేమి చెల్లింతును (2)

Nenemi Chellinthunu (2)

ఏడాది దూడెలనా… వేలాది పోట్టేల్లనా (2) ||నీవు చేసిన||

Edaadi Doodelanaa… Velaadi Pottellanaa (2)   ||Neevu Chesina||

వేలాది నదులంత విస్తార తైలము

Velaadi Nadulantha Visthaara Thailamu

నీకిచ్చినా చాలునా (2)

Neekichchinaa Chaalunaa (2)

గర్భ ఫలమైన నా జేష్ట్య పుత్రుని

Garbha Phalamina Naa Jeshtya Puthruni

నీకిచ్చినా చాలునా (2)           ||ఏడాది||

Neekichchinaa Chaalunaa (2)    ||Edaadi||

మరణపాత్రుడనైయున్న నాకై

Maranapaathrudanaiyunna Naakai

మరణించితివ సిలువలో (2)

Maraninchithiva Siluvalo (2)

కరుణ చూపి నీ జీవ మార్గాన

Karuna Choopi Nee Jeeva Maargaana

నడిపించుమో యేసయ్యా (2)       ||ఏడాది||

Nadipinchumo Yesayyaa (2)    ||Edaadi||

విరిగి నలిగిన బలి యాగముగను

Virigi Naligina Baliyaagamuganu

నా హృదయ మర్పింతును (2)

Naa Hrudaya Marpinthunu (2)

రక్షణ పాత్రను చేబూని నిత్యము

Rakshana Paathranu Chebooni Nithyamu

నిను వెంబడించెదను (2)    ||ఏడాది||

Ninu Vembadinchedanu (2)    ||Edaadi||

ఈ గొప్ప రక్షణ నాకిచ్చినందుకు

Ee Goppa Rakshana Naakichchinanduku

నీకేమి చెల్లింతును (2)

Neekemi Chellinthunu (2)

కపట నటనాలు లేనట్టి హృదయాన్ని

Kapata Natanaalu Lenatti Hrudayaanni

అర్పించినా చాలునా (2)              ||ఏడాది||

Arpinchinaa Chaalunaa (2)   ||Edaadi||

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Neevu chesina upakaaramulaku

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